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Donate Today!

Make Your Dollars Count.

ZERO, NADA, NONE, not one penny of the monies donated to the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Stanislaus/Merced Counties (FCASMC) go toward paying for cushy offices with fancy furniture occupied by high-salaried employees.  FCASMC is completely run by committed volunteers who want to work to protect the consumer’s right to choose a meaningful, dignified and affordable funeral.  We seek to reach this goal through unbiased education, outreach, group presentations, local price surveys and member benefits.


#1 Any Amount

FCASMC welcomes any amount someone is willing to donate to support our efforts to serve the community through our website, meetings, and events.  

#2 Lifetime Membership

With a one-time, suggested donation of $35, you will receive all the benefits of being a FCASMC member as well as knowing you've made a difference.

#3 Monthly Contributor

Once the monthly contributions have reached the $35 amount, the Monthly Contributor will enjoy all the benefits of being a FCASMC member as well as knowing that your ongoing contributions will help provide more opportunities to help our community through the services we offer.

Become Involved: Your FCASMC, Your Family, and Your Contribution

FCASMC's growth and transformation is made possible through the support of the philanthropic community. These efforts have paved the way for the organization to become the outstanding educational, consumer advocate organization it is today.

We are proud to be the light-bearer of pre-funeral planning education for area residents.

J O I N  U S

Thank you for your interest in supporting FCASMC through its Any Amount, Lifetime Membership, and Monthly Contributor opportunities.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the giving opportunities, please contact us at 209-521-7690 or via email at

Direct Donations

We still accept checks.  Send your financial support by mail to us at:

   FCA of Stanislaus/Merced Counties

   P.O. Box 4252

   Modesto, CA  95354-4252


Do you email? 

So do we.

If you would like more information or have questions, we'd be happy to help.  

Simply fill out the form to the right and

click the Send box to deliver your comments,

requests, or inquiries to us via email.  

An FCASMC volunteer will reach out to you

with a response.  Feel free to contact us by

one of the other options (telephone or U.S. Mail) shown below if you prefer.

Contact Form

Name *

Email *



Success! Message received.

Contact Info:

FCA of Stanislaus/Merced Counties

P. O. Box 4252

Modesto, CA  95352-4252

​Tel: (209) 353-2123

Your thoughtful and caring donations are never expected, but always appreciated to help us help more people just like you.

Thank You!


Copyright © 2017 - 2020 Funeral Consumers Alliance of Stanislaus/Merced Counties.  

All rights reserved.  

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